Director Code of Conduct

As a director of Sport MK CIC I promise to abide by the fundamental values that underpin all activities of this organisation. These are as follows.

Our values


Everything Sport MK does will be able to stand the test of scrutiny by its stakeholders, the CIC regulator and funders.

Integrity and honesty

These will be the hallmarks of all conduct when dealing with colleagues within Sport MK and equally when dealing with individuals and institutions outside it.


Sport MK strives to maintain an atmosphere of openness throughout the organisation to promote confidence of the stakeholders, the public and funders.

Additionally, I agree to the following points.

Law, mission, policies

I will act within the governing document of Sport MK and abide by the policies and procedures of the organisation.

I will not break the law or go against CIC regulations in any aspect of my role of director.

I will support the objects and mission of Sport MK and act as their guardian and champion.

I will develop and maintain an up-to-date knowledge of Sport MK and its environment.

Conflicts of interest

I will always strive to act in the best interests of the organisation as a whole and not as a representative of any group, considering what is best for Sport MK and its present and future beneficiaries.

I will declare any conflict of interest, or any circumstance that might be viewed by others as a conflict of interest, as soon as it arises.

I will submit to the judgment of the board and do as it requires regarding potential conflicts of interest.

Person to person

I will not break the law, go against CIC regulations or act in disregard of organisational policies in my relationships with fellow directors, volunteers, members, service recipients, contractors or anyone I come into contact with in my role as director.

I will strive to establish respectful, collegial and courteous relationships.

Where I also volunteer with the organisation I will maintain the separation of my role as a director and as a volunteer.

Protecting the organisation’s reputation

I will not make public comments about the organisation unless authorised to do so. 

Any public comments I make about Sport MK will be considered and in line with organisational policy, whether I make them as an individual or as a director.

When I am speaking as a director of this organisation, my comments will reflect current organisational policy even when these do not agree with my personal views.

When speaking as a private citizen I will strive to uphold the reputation of the organisation and those who work in it.

I will respect organisational, board and individual confidentiality.

Date of Issue August 2023 Review due August 2025